Pizza Night / GameNight


Friday, May 3
6:00 – 8:30


WE WILL PROVIDE: Pizza Crust with sauce and cheese                                                                                                                                                                                                    Water

YOU BRING:  Your favorite pizza toppings                                                                                                                                                                                                              Something to drink                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Your favorite snacks                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Your favorite games                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Family and Friends



Easter Morning – March 31

The Lord has Risen! The Lord has risen indeed! 

Easter Sunrise Service – 7:00 am

Easter Morning Breakfast – following sunrise service  8:00 a.m.

Easter Worship – 10:30 a.m.

All are welcome to attend.

Good Friday Tenebrae Service – March 29

On Good Friday the Church of the Redeemer will worship with surrounding churches at a community Tenebrae Service to be held at St. Andrews Christian Church. The service begins at 7:30.  All are welcome to attend.

Maundy Thursday – March 28

During Holy Week, on Thursday, Redeemer will be reading the Holy Week Readings for Thursday and celebrating Holy Communion.

The service begins at 7:00.  All are welcome to attend.



The Church of the Redeemer has space available for groups or organizations to rent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. We welcome non-profits who are looking for a place to gather for meetings and/or services, whose beliefs and standards align with ours, and are a helpful institution by nature. The Sanctuary, Sunday School classrooms and Fellowship Hall are spaces available on certain days and times. Rental rates are listed in our Fee Schedule which can be given to those who inquire.

Inquires can be made by calling the church and leaving a message at (614)766-5030 or by email at

If you know of someone looking for space, please share this information with them or have them contact the church.


You are invited to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 for worship. Share the liturgy, sing  hymns, listen to the choir, and gain inspiration from the message. We are looking forward to greeting you.