May Newsletter 2021

Theresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)
Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world.

The lines of Theresa’s poem were based on the writings of the apostle Paul. Her words serve to remind us that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. In the days after his resurrection Jesus appeared to the disciples, showing them his hands and feet as marks of his identity. Jesus commissioned the disciples to continue to spread the truth of God’s love and to live this truth with their lives.

May is a transitional month moving us from spring into summer, from school days to vacations, from Easter to Pentecost. Many of us are dreaming of the things we missed most last summer: pool re-openings, family reunions, vacations, day trips and excursions. I hope you have an opportunity to get out and enjoy the warmer days ahead in a way that brings you refreshment and renewal. I also hope that our transition from Easter to Pentecost will call you to a deeper reflection on the words of St. Theresa and the commission to daily become Jesus’ body in the world: his feet, hands, body, and eyes in the world.

Perhaps it is easier to begin this reflection with looking beyond oneself: Where do we see his feet walking to do good? Where are his hands blessing those in pain or suffering? Where are the eyes that look with compassion on this world?

Spend some time looking for and identifying these “signs” of Christ’s visible presence in the world. Pray for these persons, situations, and ministries that are embodying the gospel. Then, going deeper, ask yourself how YOU are embodying these characteristic signs of Christ’s presence in your daily encounters. How are your feet walking to do good? How are your hands blessing those around you who are suffering? Where do your eyes look with loving-kindness and compassion on the needs of this world?

We the baptized are called to participate in Christ’s ongoing mission in the world. More than “words”, it is our daily witness or “embodiment” of Christ’s peace and loving-kindness that transforms hopelessness and fear. As the church, both gathered and sent, our actions in partnership with Christ’s living presence brings hope, recovery, and renewal.

O Lord, we seek your ongoing purpose in our lives both as individuals and as a congregation. Give us feet that are ready to explore our community, give us hands to bless others with our joyful service, and eyes to look with compassion upon the needs of the world around us.

Pastor Tracy

Worship services are in-person and following all COVID precautions and procedures. When you attend please wear a mask and practice physical distancing. Masks are available if you forget yours.

Approved: new contract for SDA, Lord’s Prayer Workshop Saturday online or at the church, May 1st, 11:00-1:00, new computer for office. Garden plots are planning to be readied. Finances YTD ($5355.24).

1 Lord’s Prayer Workshop 11-1
2 Worship
9 Worship
11 Joint Board
13 Worship meeting
16 Worship
23 Worship
25 Joint Board
30 Worship

If you know someone who is finishing 2nd-5th grade let them know about Camp Bethany. This Church Camp is will (hopefully) be held August 2 -6, 2021. Contact the church if you would like more information or registration sent to you when available.

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